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15th - 25th August
Manchester City Centre
Manchester Pride is a world leading festival of LGBTQ+ life and culture

Manchester Pride 2025 Events

Here are just some highlights of Manchester Pride 2025 taking place 15th - 25th August.
Mardi Gras
23 - 24 AUGUST

Mardi Gras is here to SERVE. A brand-new addition to your Manchester Pride Bank Holiday Weekend, this high-energy, high-glam, high-queer extravaganza takes over Depot Mayfield for two days of world-class artists, DJs, drag royalty, cabaret, and untamed euphoria in celebration of LGBTQ+ culture. This is Pride like you’ve never seen it before.
Gay Village Party
22 - 25 AUGUST

Manchester’s Gay Village is the heart and soul of Manchester’s queer community, and the Gay Village Party centers community, love and queer joy as part of a 4-day celebration where you can expect cabaret, funfair rides, a silent disco and queer anthems galore.

This year's Manchester Pride Parade celebrates Love!

Love has long been a source of strength and resilience for LGBTQ+ people. In the face of historical and ongoing discrimination, love has helped queer people have the courage to be themselves.

Join us at The Love Parade, marching through the streets and grinding the city to halt to give queer love and acceptance the spotlight.
Candlelit Vigil

The culmination of Manchester Pride beautifully closes with a moment of reflection in Sackville Gardens marked by a sea of flickering candles.
QueerBuzzin'JoyNo ShadeQueenSlayBeautifulNorthernFruityProperPrideUniqueLoveMintTogetherFabulousDivaProgressMotherServing
LoveJoyProperMotherPrideQueenProgressDivaFabulousNorthernMintServingNo ShadeBeautifulQueerFruityUniqueTogetherBuzzin'Slay
DivaUniqueTogetherNorthernFabulousFruityQueenSlayLoveProgressMintMotherJoyBuzzin'BeautifulQueerProperServingPrideNo Shade
MotherFruityBuzzin'ServingSlayJoyNorthernProgressQueerBeautifulMintPrideFabulousDivaQueenTogetherLoveNo ShadeProperUnique
TogetherJoyProperPrideNo ShadeProgressServingUniqueBeautifulMintFruityDivaNorthernQueerQueenLoveBuzzin'FabulousMotherSlay
QueerMotherDivaFabulousTogetherMintJoyBeautifulLoveProperNorthernBuzzin'QueenFruityServingNo ShadeSlayProgressPrideUnique
JoySlayNo ShadeServingTogetherFabulousPrideUniqueBuzzin'DivaNorthernBeautifulProperMintFruityProgressLoveQueenQueerMother
Buzzin'PrideProgressUniqueProperFruityNorthernQueerTogetherQueenMotherLoveMintDivaBeautifulJoyServingSlayNo ShadeFabulous
FabulousUniqueLoveProperQueenDivaBuzzin'JoyNorthernNo ShadeProgressSlayBeautifulMotherQueerPrideServingFruityMintTogether
JoyLoveDivaFabulousBeautifulProgressServingFruityMotherQueenTogetherProperSlayNo ShadeNorthernQueerPrideBuzzin'MintUnique
DivaUniqueFabulousQueenMotherTogetherNo ShadeFruityPrideMintProgressBuzzin'JoyBeautifulQueerServingSlayNorthernProperLove
No ShadeSlayTogetherQueenProperBuzzin'BeautifulJoyPrideMotherLoveFruityUniqueNorthernServingQueerMintProgressDivaFabulous

Manchester Pride Vibes

Manchester Pride is the place to be. Take a look at some highlights from over the years.

Hot Off The Press

Want to know what they’re saying about us? In short… we’re the best - so don’t miss out!
"The annual LGBTQ+ extravaganza"
"A powerful and moving weekend of celebration and protest"
"These days, the event is recognised as not just one of the best Pride celebrations in the UK, but across the globe"
"Three days of love, dancing and queer joy"