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Grants from £250 - £1000 are available to support grassroots community groups and organisations. This fund is designed to support the activities of local community groups, voluntary groups and organisations that work towards improving the quality of life and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ people. Applications should include activities that are designed to support and include at least one of the following communities: LGBTQ+ disabled people, QTIPOC, Trans people.


Are you organising a local pride celebration in Greater Manchester? Grants from £250 - £1000 are available to provide support for particular projects within your Pride programming. Local Pride Grants can be enhanced with additional support from volunteers, promotion on our Superbia website, and signposting via our newsletter and social media.


Co-designed with local LGBTQ+ charities and organisations, The Impact Fund benefits larger and longer term projects supporting the welfare of LGBTQ+ people in Greater Manchester. The goal of this fund is to allocate vital funds to a broad array of initiatives that leave a meaningful imprint on our communities. If you are interested in applying for a grant of up to £10,000 from the Impact fund, please use this form to check your eligibility. If you are eligible to apply, you will receive the application guidance via email.
Impact Fund Eligibility Checker


Superbia is Manchester Pride’s year round calendar of Queer arts and culture. Grants from £250 - £1000 are available to support the staging of a Queer arts or cultural event or to bring to life a project or initiative with a message to challenge discrimination and raise awareness of LGBTQ+ issues. A Superbia Queer Arts Grant is enhanced with further promotional support from Manchester Pride and its Superbia initiative.

What are Manchester Pride's Grant Priorities?

Prioritised issues

  • Mental Health 

  • Wellbeing 

  • Sexual Health 

  • Addiction and Substance Misuse 

  • HIV Stigma 

Prioritised communities 

  • Disabled LGBTQ+ people
  • Queer, Trans and Intersex People of Colour (QTIPoC)
  • Wider trans communities

Prioritised organisation types

  • Grassroot community groups and networks
  • Local LGBTQ+ charities
  • Local HIV charities
  • Small, independent LGBTQ+ organisations

What Manchester Pride Grants can help to support


Trans Pride Brighton has always been an amazing experience for me but too far to attend reliably. I’m so excited to see Trans Pride Manchester develop into a fully fledged beautiful celebration of transness and bring that experience up north. I’m very impressed with the first year of what was surely a difficult event to put together and I can’t wait to see what the next year holds.” ~ Trans Pride MCR march attendee

Made possible by generous donations and contributions to the Manchester Pride Community Fund through Manchester Pride Festival ticket sales, we were thrilled to offer Trans Pride MCR a Local Pride Fund to host their first annual event bringing together the trans and non-binary community.

The event provided a safe space for trans+ people, helping the community to build confidence and celebrating and amplifying marginalised voices from intersectional groups. Through a protest march, panel and supportive workshops, the project provided attendees with a vital safe space to share their lived experiences. Those navigating their gender identity and transition were offered resources and guidance, and individuals were empowered with tools and information to support their overall wellbeing.

See more awarded grants
Manchester Pride Grant FAQs
What is a Manchester Pride Grant?+
The Manchester Pride Community Fund can award grants to initiatives that benefit LGBTQ+ people in Manchester. Applications are accepted throughout the year and are assessed by the Grants Panel regularly. Successful applicants will receive their awarded funds within four weeks of the end of the funding round or, where possible, earlier.
Who can apply for a Manchester Pride Grant?+

Grants from the Manchester Pride Community Fund are available to LGBTQ+ community and voluntary groups, organisations and registered charities in Greater Manchester. 

How do I apply for a Manchester Pride Grant?+

Organisations are required to fill out a grant application form. There are multiple grants available so there are different application forms depending on which one is right for your project.

Applications are now open.

When can I apply for a Manchester Pride grant?+

Community and Superbia grants:

Round One: February 3rd - April 30th 2025

Round Two: August 4th - September 30th 2025

Local Pride Grants:

Open February 3rd - February 28th 2025

Impact Grants: 

Open February 3rd - March 21st

How does Manchester Pride raise money to distribute as Grants?+

The Manchester Pride Community Fund raises essential funds to support LGBTQ+ communities. Every penny donated to the Manchester Pride Community Fund goes directly to LGBTQ+ causes and projects in Greater Manchester. This means none of the money you donate goes to the day-to-day operations of The Manchester Pride Charity.



Comprised of passionate volunteers, our Grants Panel meticulously evaluates Grants submissions throughout the year. Their commitment and the invaluable expertise they bring to the table not only enriches the evaluation process, but also ensures a fair and thorough assessment of every application we receive. Together, we're shaping a future where every initiative is met with the support it deserves.

Join the Grants Panel